Welcome to The InPowered Parent Blog

Bright natural dining room nook with vases plates and fruits on the table.

First, why InPowered?

I created this word uniquely for my coaching practice because   a key aspect of my approach is to help discover your strengths; those inner attributes that provide you the capacity and power to take action.

I became a coach after a career in education. Fueling my desire to help parents and children in a different way, I became a certified parent coach with The Parent Coach Institute™, a year-long, graduate level program. My educational background and certification spans ages PreK-12 in reading and literacy development. Most of my educational journey was spent working with middle schoolers and their parents. I have also taught and worked with children and parents at the preschool and college levels. As such, I have a deep knowledge of the developmental needs of children at different ages and stages and how to work with parents from toddlers to teens.

So, why coaching?

Certainly there is an abundance of parenting books, websites, and online resources. The answer is simple…I know parenting, and I know kids. I know life is busy, and I know we all want to do right by our children. But that’s not so easy in the 21st century world of dual working parents, single parents, busy parents, distance from extended families, and, generally, busy lives. 

Through my own experience as a mother of three children and my time as an educator, I have seen how the influences of today’s world impact families.The media presents images that do not share or align with our healthy, family values; use of technology in the hands of our children opens the world to them, both good and bad; and we, as parents, are bombarded with thoughts and ideas on what is best for our families.

My goal is to help develop clarity about what is important to you and to build on your strengths to reimagine parenting based on your hopes and dreams. We all have aspirations for how we want our lives to be - what we want for our children - how our days should go. We can reach that ideal through a unique coaching partnership.

Our work is guided by the following Vision and Mission and will result in an experience that fosters respect for all family members, addresses your most pressing concerns, and provides tools for you to manage situations that occur, bringing more joy to your family life.

InPowered Parent Coaching Vision

Empathetic, engaged, and skilled parents use best practices, strengths, and strategies to support their children’s development and enhance family life.

InPowered Parent Coaching Mission

IPC partners with parents to help them reimagine parenting by discovering their strengths, clarifying values, and aligning  actions to support their children’s optimal growth, cognitively, emotionally, and socially.

My monthly blogs will focus on different aspects of parenting. For now, let's focus on the essence of parenting, being InPowered!

You are the parent; embrace your inner strengths. Being a parent has responsibilities, such as creating reasonable boundaries and holding kids accountable. Your strengths and attributes can help you address these appropriately….this is the heart of the coaching process and one I will address in future blogs.

Each month, I’ll explore a different topic, expanding on these and focusing on other timely parenting concerns. If you have a topic you would like me to include, or if I can be of service to you as a coach, feel free to contact me at dcolpitts@inpoweredparent.com


Reimagine Three Common Parenting Scenarios